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Historical Costs & Draws

An overview of Actual Costs to Date and Drawn to Date. And learn how to easily recategorize historical transactions

Matt Calvano avatar
Written by Matt Calvano
Updated over a week ago

Historical Costs & Draws | Overview

When first activating and opening a Job, you'll notice a table of with different columns:

  • At this point, there won't be any amounts listed under the Budget column, since you haven't imported a Budget yet.

  • All historical Costs & Income associated with that Job, will automatically be pulled into that Job's Budget (regardless of which Cost Codes you've added you the Budget).

    • This allows you to stay on top of coding.

  • Actual costs to date vs Drawn to date:

    • Actual costs to Date (money going OUT) includes:

      • Historical Bills

      • Historical Receipts

    • Drawn to Date (money coming IN)

      • Historical Invoices

Moving & Deleting Transactions:

For both Actual costs to date and Drawn to date you can click on the amount listed to view the list of the individual transactions.

  • From here you can Delete or Move transactions:

    • Move/Reallocate Transactions:

      1. Place checkmarks next to any transactions.

      2. Click Actions: (2 choices)

        • Set Cost Code / Account: Moves the transaction over to a different Cost Code

        • Set Job: Moves the transaction over to a different Job

    • Delete Transactions

      1. Click Ref # to open a specific transaction.

      2. At the bottom, select Delete (or Archive)

    • Both Deleting & Moving these transactions will cause QuickBooks to automatically update.

      • This ensures that Adaptive & QuickBooks are always in-sync.

If you have any questions or want to share feedback, feel free to reach out at [email protected].

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