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Creating and Managing Purchase Orders (POs)
Creating and Managing Purchase Orders (POs)

Learn how to use Purchase Orders in Adaptive.

Matt Calvano avatar
Written by Matt Calvano
Updated over a week ago

Determine if a Bill has a linked Purchase Order (PO):

  1. Click into any bill to view the Bill Details.

  2. Scroll down the Bill Details, until you find the Purchase Order section.

  3. Click on the POs matching this Bill dropdown to view all of this bill's matching POs.

    • Notes:

      • The number (#) listed next to POs matching this Bill represents the # of POs attached to this bill.

      • If the number is Zero (0), then this bill does not contain any open POs for this Vendor.

  4. Once you find the matching PO, enable the Apply to Bill toggle.

  5. Review & Edit PO details in the Merge or Delete Existing Bill Lines window.

  6. Then click Save to merge the lines.

  7. To unlink a PO from a bill, click the small Unlink PO button (looks like 2 chain links) in the PO's Line Item.

  8. To access the linked POs details from the Bill Details page, click the PO# listed in the Line Item section.

  9. Once this bill is approved (click the Approve button) this PO amount will be applied to the Remaining Balance.

Creating a New Purchase Order:

  1. Begin by clicking on either:

    • +Add Purchase Order button in the Job Details page

  2. Once in the New Purchase Order window, you'll need to enter the following info:

    1. Vendor Name

    2. Purchase Order Date

      • Note: PO date must be before the date of the Bill it's being matched to.

    3. Job

    4. Cost Code / Account

    5. Amount

  3. Click Save.

    • Note: You can also Delete Purchase Orders from the PO Details window by clicking the Delete button at the bottom.

  4. Now, you've just successfully created a PO and matched it to it's corresponding Bill!

Finding Purchase Orders:

Now, your newly-created PO can be found in Purchase Orders, along with all the rest of the POs you've created.

To quickly find any PO in this list, you can Filter by:

  • Cost Code

  • Account

  • Job

  • Vendor

Sending POs for Signature:

Send your POs to Vendors to be signed-off on.

  • Open the PO and click Send to Vendor to email the PO to your vendor.

    • You can also include a Message to the vendor.

      • PO Emails will already have a general message in addition to any personal message you add.

    • POs will be emailed in PDF format.

    • Open the PO to view the PDF at anytime.

Vendor PO Sign-off:

  • Vendors can quickly sign-off on the PO with a digital signature.

    • They'll simply type in their names to sign-off on it.

    • Adaptive will notify you as soon as the the vendor has signed-off on the PO.

Vendor PO Reminders:

  • Once the PO is sent out, an automatic weekly reminder will be sent to your vendor to please sign-off on their PO.

  • Or, you can also press the Send a Reminder button at the top of the PO (if you'd rather not wait the full 7 days).

  • PO requests will expire in 30 Days, if within that time:

    • They are not signed by the vendor.

    • Or, they are not marked as signed by the user that requested the signature.

    • When a request expires, we'll send an email to the user who requested the signature letting them know it's Expired, and also update the PO's status as Expired.

Bulk Actions:

  • From the main Purchase Orders page, you can perform 2 Bulk Actions:

    • Bulk "Send for Signature"

    • Bulk "Mark as Signed"

      1. Select multiple POs with checkmarks

      2. Click Actions button

      3. Select "Send for Signature" to send multiple POs for signature at once.

      4. Or, select "Mark as Signed" to simultaneously mark multiple POs as "Signed".


  • POs can also have a status of Sent & Signed. Both of these PO statuses can be Sorted & Filtered by on the main Purchase Orders page.

  • If you happen to receive a PO through alternate means (email, in-person, etc.), you can simply click the dropdown menu on the Send to Vendor button, and select Mark as Signed instead.

  • All messages/comments that users (or vendors) leave, and any status changes (Sent, Signed, etc.) will all be displayed in the Activity log at the bottom of the PO.

If you have any questions or want to share feedback, feel free to reach out at [email protected].

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