Bill Status:
On the Bills page, you'll notice that bills are separated into 4 different status tabs:
All newly-created bill drafts and bills forwarded from email are located here.
These bills have not yet been submitted for approval.
Waiting for Approval:
Bills that your team submits for approval (from the Inbox) will end up here.
However, if no approval is required, then the bill will simply skip to the next stage.
Waiting for Payment:
Once a bill has been approved by an authorized team member (or if the bill never required an approval to begin with), it'll end up here.
This is also when the bill syncs to QuickBooks.
Once a bill is Paid, it'll be found in here.
Along with all historical bills (both Paid & Unpaid), regardless of bill status.
Bill Filters:
You have multiple ways to filter your bills, including by:
Cost Code
Draw Status
Billable Status
* Tip: You can also mix & match these filters!If you want to search for something specific, such as invoice number or $ amount, use the global search magnifying glass on the left side of Adaptive
Download your Bills:
Download Options: Click the Download button for 2 options.
Download All: Download all files in the current status tab.
Download Selected: Place checkmarks next to the specific transactions that you'd like to download.
File Format Options: Then choose your preferred file format to download.
Transactions (XLSX): An Excel spreadsheet listing your transactions.
Backup (PDF): A combined PDF with images of all bills.
Backup (ZIP): Individual PDFs for each bill image.
If you have any questions or want to share feedback, feel free to reach out at [email protected].