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How do you secure my data and payment information?
How do you secure my data and payment information?
Matt Gummersbach avatar
Written by Matt Gummersbach
Updated over a week ago

Your safety and security is our top priority. That's why Adaptive is compliant with various security standards to ensure the information you share with us on the platform remains safe and confidential.

Check out our Privacy Policy for more details.

How do you secure my information?

Encryption & Storage | When you upload bank details, user contacts, photos, or any information, we make sure the data is kept safe and private with best-in-class encryption protocols like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 256) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL). On a web browser, “https:” and a lock next to the web address is your signal that encryption is on!

Secure Cloud Infrastructure | Adaptive partners with industry leader Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our data hosting provider. Their data servers are held in undisclosed facilities equipped with substantial security and anti-intrusion systems of their own. We make sure to utilize the best physical, managerial, and technical safeguards to preserve the privacy of your personal information.

How do you secure my payments?

Multi-factor Authentication | To help ensure authentic activity on your account, we require two-factor authentication to use certain features like issuing payments or changing bank account settings. Users will have to provide time-sensitive pin numbers--in addition to logging in with their passwords--to unlock the ability to execute some actions on our platform.

Linking Bank Accounts | We use Plaid's API to safely connect your financial accounts to our platform. Plaid is used by millions of people and apps because its security practices are designed to be best-in-class. Plaid works alongside the most trusted security researchers, app developers, and financial institutions to regularly audit their API and security controls.

24/7 On-Call

Our around-the-clock monitoring and robust alerts keep us tuned into Adaptive's state of security.

But if you're looking for support or have any concerns about security, please send us an email at [email protected]

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